
The FBI teams up with a formerly-institutionalized scientist - who was performing experiments on the fringe of real science - and his son to investigate weird crimes that are seemingly part of a larger pattern, and may be connected with a global company called Massive Dynamic.



Movie time

46 min

Directed by



Anna Torv, Joshua Jackson, John Noble



02E16 - Peter

Walter visits Olivia. Having a cup of tea together, Walter starts explaining to her how Peter is not really from our world. In the '80s Walter, who was a different man back then, built a device through which he could see the other Universe so, practically, a window to the other Universe. After Peter's death he wanted to do more than just observe; he felt it was his job as a father to do so. Because of September, Walternate couldn't figure out the right compound for the cure to save Peter's life so Walter decided to cross the worlds in order to save the other Peter. This, however, created a wormwhole into the alternate Universe that has had devastating consequences.

Date: 01 Apr 2010
IMDB id: tt1537137
IMDB rating: 9.4
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