Michael Crichton has created a medical drama that chronicles life and death in a Chicago hospital emergency room. Each episode tells the tale of another day in the ER, from the exciting to the mundane, and the joyous to the heart-rending. Frenetic pacing, interwoven plot lines, and emotional rollercoastering is used to attempt to accurately depict the stressful environment found there. This show even portrays the plight of medical students in their quest to become physicians.



Movie time

44 min

Directed by



Anthony Edwards, George Clooney, Julianna Margulies



01E18 - Sleepless in Chicago

Carol Hathaway goes ahead with her plans to adopt Tatiana, but her past history makes her ineligible. Benton continues to trade shifts so he can spend time with his mother but it all catches up with him and he has a run-in with Dr. Hicks. Doug Ross treats an abused child. Green, Benton and Carter take extraordinary measures to save a man they later learned had signed a DNR. A consultant arrives to study procedures in the ER, but all is not quite what it seems. Mark Green's wife Jen has an important announcement. Benton's mother has a serious accident when he falls asleep on the couch.

Date: 23 Feb 1995
IMDB id: tt0568094
IMDB rating: N/A
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