The Mentalist

Patrick Jane is a crime consultant with the California Bureau of Investigation. He has a particular gift for astute observation and reading people, honed through years of being a faux psychic. His gift makes him brilliant at solving murders, which is why the CBI have him around. However, his motive for taking on the role is purely one of revenge: find and kill the man who killed his wife and daughter - Red John.



Movie time

43 min

Directed by



Simon Baker, Robin Tunney, Tim Kang



03E21 - Like a Redheaded Stepchild

In Hangtree, Carson, jailer Walter Parsell, who aspires a detective career and studies criminology, is found on the street outside a robbed jeweler, fatally stabbed as with a prison shunt. Suspect ex-cons include the jail's top-dog, lifer Marcus Lansdale, whom Parsell singled out for transfer to a maximum security prison, as Wayne's no-good father, smuggler Steve Rigsby. Marcus's girlfriend's brother also has a record. Rigbsby calls pa's bluff he can find the killer in no time, which leads to Butch Carwin's drug ring. Patrick meanwhile searches in jail, concentrating on trustees.

Date: 05 May 2011
IMDB id: tt1884116
IMDB rating: N/A
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