Bomb Girls

Set in the 1940s, Bomb Girls tells the remarkable stories of the women who risked their lives in a munitions factory building bombs for the Allied forces fighting on the European front. The series delves into the lives of these exceptional women from all walks of life - peers, friends and rivals - who find themselves thrust into new worlds and changed profoundly as they are liberated from their home and social restrictions.



Movie time

60 min

Directed by



Meg Tilly, Jodi Balfour, Charlotte Hegele



02E07 - Party Line

News of a daring raid on Dieppe electrifies the nation. But as the truth slowly trickles in, the women of VicMu deal with the unfolding tragedy of "Operation Jubilee" in personal and unexpected ways.

Date: 25 Mar 2013
IMDB id: tt2678270
IMDB rating: N/A
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