Mad Men

The professional and personal lives of those who work in advertising on Madison Avenue - self-coined "mad men" - in the 1960s are presented. The stories focus on those at one of the avenue's smaller firms, Sterling Cooper, and its various incarnations over the decade. At the heart of these stories is Donald Draper, the creative genius of the company. That professional creative brilliance belies the fact of a troubled childhood, one that he would rather forget and not let anyone know about except for a select few, but one that shaped who he is as an adult and as an ad man in the need not only to sell products but sell himself to the outside world. His outward confidence also masks many insecurities as evidenced through his many vices, such as excessive smoking, drinking and womanizing - the latter despite being a family man - and how he deals with the aftermath of some of the negative aspects of his life.



Movie time

47 min

Directed by



Jon Hamm, Elisabeth Moss, Vincent Kartheiser



07E07 - Waterloo

The Apollo 11 space mission is in progress, which looms over the lives of those associated with Sterling Cooper. The success or failure of the mission will effect the existing feeling of brotherhood and camaraderie among the American populace, which in turn will have an effect on Sterling Cooper's business, especially how receptive the Burger Chef reps will be. But there is also much turmoil within the company. Jim has a vision for the company as being primarily Harry and the computer, as witnessed by Jim's approved motion to make Harry a partner. What has been bubbling under the surface but which has now risen above with a recent incident with the Sunkist reps is Ted's dissatisfaction with his life and his job. A unilateral move by one of the partners on behalf of all the partners leads to some divided loyalties among them, those loyalties between the people involved and what each may see as the good of the company. Regardless of the Apollo 11 mission, real life continues, an incident during which which leads to individuals trying to capitalize on it to advance their own point of view. These manoeuvrings have an effect especially on Don and Peggy in different ways. For Peggy, it may make or break her advertising career, who is at a crossroads in her personal life path as she deals with changing circumstances with her ten year old neighbor, Julio. And with Don, it could mean his general livelihood, as well as provide a clearer perspective on his current personal life with Megan. Meanwhile, the Francis' have house guests in the form of Betty's college friend Carolyn Glaspie, her husband Richard, and their two teenaged sons, Sean the jock, and Neil the geek. Sally uses the opportunity of their visit to test her burgeoning sexuality.

Date: 25 May 2014
IMDB id: tt3740788
IMDB rating: N/A
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