The Vampire Diaries

After centuries of quarreling, Stefan and Damon Salvatore return to their original town of Mystic Fall, Virginia. Stefan, the selfless, brave, guilt-ridden brother, meets a high school girl named Elena Gilbert whom he instantly falls in love with, while Damon, the gorgeous, dangerous and selfish vampire, is after his brother's girl to pay him back for making him turn into a vampire in 1864.



Movie time

43 min

Directed by



Nina Dobrev, Paul Wesley, Ian Somerhalder



06E08 - Fade Into You

Elena gets some hopeful news from Alaric and Stefan regarding the Gemini Coven; Tyler tries to help Liv and Luke after learning of disturbing plans the coven has for them; dinner takes a drastic turn for Jo; Kai makes a dangerous discovery.

Date: 20 Nov 2014
IMDB id: tt4147188
IMDB rating: 8.3
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