Cells at Work!

The human body consists of approximately 37 trillion cells. These cells are hard at work every day within a world that is your body. From the oxygen carrying Red Blood Cells to the bacteria fighting White Blood Cells, Get to know the unsung heroes and the drama that unfolds inside of you.



Movie time

24 min

Directed by



Karen Strassman, Dorah Fine, Mamiko Noto



01E13 - Hemorrhagic Shock (Part II)

"We have detected life-threatening damage" - Hearing of this emergency, White Blood Cell (Neutrophil) rushes to the blast area. But there, he finds no traces of the blood cells he's supposed to protect. Due to massive bleeding, a huge amount of blood cells have already been flung outside the wound. As the bleeding continues, the situation grows more dire every second, but to protect this world and to save her friends, Red Blood Cell continues to deliver oxygen with Li'l Kouhai Red Blood Cell. Their world is on the brink of destruction - What kind of fate lies ahead for the cells?

Date: 30 Sep 2018
IMDB id: tt9005838
IMDB rating: N/A
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